Monday 26 September 2016

This is the world's best city for me!

Hi all!  

Hope you are doing well! Welcome to our second activity! In this, you will write about "The world's best city", using English language. Post your comments before October 4th, 6 p.m.

1. Follow the given instructions on page 73, practice activity 2, module 8 - Cutting Edge textbook.

* Imagine you are trying to persuade a foreign visitor that one of these places is "the world's best city, considering: a) a town/city you know well, b) your town/city.

2. Write a creative composition (50 sentences at least), considering all the proposed items in the mentioned activity (language focus) and the use of quantifiers with countable and uncountable nouns.

3. Language/writing aspects:

- Simple sentence structure: subject + verb + complement.
- Look for useful vocabulary you need.
- Before posting, check grammar, spelling, punctuation rules, etc.

4. Plan your oral report (4 min, 50 sentences at least) about the selected town/city, to be presented on  October 6th. Feel free to use photos, slides, etc.

All your writings will be welcome as comments... Thanks for participating!


  1. Good morning everybody, today I am your touristic guide so, are you looking for adventure? Do you like wild life? Have you ever seen real wild animals..? All these things are in a beautiful place, but, which one? Well, I am going to show you this paradise, as you know Colombia is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, but wait… Colombia is not only Medellin, Cali or Barranquilla, there are many different beautiful places in Colombia and I am going to show you the one that for me is the most beautiful place in Colombia.
    This is hato corozal, this beautiful town is in the north of Casanare, and maybe you are going to ask me why this place is the most beautiful? Well, if you like peaceful life this is the perfect place for you because in this place your neighbors are your family, for example, you can leave the door opened and nothing is going to happen.
    Another important thing is the food, in hato corozal you can find many delicious fruits and also you can… no, you must taste our typical food the Carne a la Mamona.
    on the other hand, you can practice activities like these(pictures). Finally you can see a lot of animals everyday, animals like those (pictures)so, what are you waiting for? Come to hato corozal… were land and sky turn in only one.
    By: Luis Fernando Mesa corredor

  2. Good afternoon, today I will give you some reasons for which you should visit the beautiful city of Dublin, Ireland. First of all it's the Capital and where are most people in the island. Did you know that Dublin is served by an extensive network of nearly 200 bus routes which serve all areas of the city and suburbs? I think that's pretty cool. This is the view from the air, it's wonderful, don't you think so? (Pictures)
    So now, If you like to read, you should visit Dublin, because it has a worldwide literary history and has also produced prestigious literary figures like Nobel's winner William Butler Yeats and Oscar Wilde.(Pictures).
    Also, if you like the theatre, you should try to go to the centre.There are many theatres where some artist started their careers.The most famous theatres are Gaiety, Abbey, Olympia, Gate y Grand Canal.(Pictures).
    I could bet that if you like investigation, you would totally love the National Library of Ireland because its mission is: "To collect, preserve, promote and make accessible the documentary and intellectual record of the life of Ireland and to contribute to the provision of access to the larger universe of recorded knowledge". Here, you can find a large quantity of books, maps,manuscripts, music, newspapers,periodicals and photographs. (Pictures).
    If you're more a night girl/guy, you can go to the most visit zone in Dublin. The place it's call: Temple bar, it's located it in the centre of Dublin and it's known as the street that never sleeps. Obviously because of the rules, after of 3:30 am there's no more lights nor sounds. (Pictures).
    Finally, If you like a good beer, you can visit the Guinness's beer factory. At the end of the road, you can drink and enjoy the panoramic view of the city from the roof. Remember that Guinness is one of the most successful beer brands worldwide. It is brewed in almost 60 countries and is available in over 120.(Pictures). I hope that these reasons convince you to visit this beautiful city, if you need more it would be a pleasure give you more because believe me, you won't regret.

    Sofia Molano

  3. Good afternoon, today I’m going to talk to you about one of the most beautiful places in the world. If you like the beach, the sun, the sand and the nature this is the perfect place for you. You want to know why? Well let me start by telling you something that Saint-Exupéry a French writer said about it “The sun and the sea made love so much that ended up making Corsica” … Yes, that’s right I’m talking about Corsica an island in the Mediterranean Sea belonging to France. It is located west of the Italian Peninsula, southeast of the French mainland, and north of the Italian island of Sardinia. Mountains make up two-thirds of the island, forming a single chain. The Greeks called "the sublime" (Kallisté) and the French "Island of Beauty" (Ile de Beauté). It has It has a unique natural heritage, in fact, many of its natural resources have been declared World Heritage by UNESCO. The natural wealth of Corsica it’s not only about its mountains, also there are important things like the pine forests surrounding lakes, alpine pastures, scrubland unexplored, the vineyards, 200 sandy beaches and the 25 rivers that run through it. Obviously, Corsica has the most varied topography of the Mediterranean islands. But that’s not everything it also has fauna and a unique and fragile flora. The Regional Natural Park is there, with five Nature Reserves and an International Marine Park.
    If you are not a big fan of nature Corsica has other activities to offer like trekking. In the many hiking trails there is the variety of landscapes can be seen and appreciated the immense natural wealth of the island. There is the famous GR20, spectacular route, but the toughest in Europe, which crosses the island from northwest to southeast touring the heart of the Natural Park, and has 15 stages; Da Mare a Mare (from sea to sea), from west to east route; or Tra mare e Monto (between sea and mountains), north-south route.
    The amazing scenery and beaches are not the only attraction of the island. Its Mediterranean climate attracts every year thousands of tourists, with a temperature of 25 degrees from June to September, 30 degrees in the summer months, and an average annual temperature of 12 degrees. As for the mountain area, winters are quite rigorous, permanent snow and therefore Corsica is presented as an ideal destination for skiing. The island is divided into two departments: the Upper Corsica and South Corsica. The North, less touristy, perhaps more authentic, with a variety of landscapes: mountains, beaches and cities and beautiful villages. Corte in the center, Bastia in the northeast and Calvi, Porto and Rousse Island in the northwest.
    But Corsica is not only a natural paradise, with beaches and spectacular cliffs, along with towns and villages of great beauty. It is also a land with a rich cultural heritage that reflects its complex story that passed Phoenicians, Greeks, Etruscans, Foceanos, Carthaginians, Romans, Barbarians, Byzantines and Saracens. The island is full of traces and evidence of its past: prehistoric ruins, the ancient city of Aleria with its Greek ramparts, pre-Roman necropolis or his Roman ville, Romantic and Baroque churches, palaces; or citadels, bastions and Genoese towers that are found throughout the territory. There are many cultural tours, thematic itineraries, excursions and visits to the Corsican interesting past. You can even follow in the footsteps of Napoleon Bonaparte and Pasquale Paoli. Another way to discover the island of Corsica is through cultural events: festivals, music festivals, dance, theater and singing.
    There are so many important things about Corsica and I feel like didn’t say enough but I hope that someday you can visit one of the most beautiful islands of the Mediterranean sea. Be ready to enjoy all the activities and the culture that it has to offer.

    Camila Palacios
    COD: 201511556

  4. Good morning people, is anyone tired of living the same day every single week? Well, I have the key for you to leave the routine and live something completly different. If you are interested, you should take your money and travel to Strasbourg. You will never regret it. It is a city combined by two cultures, German and French culture, because many years ago, these contries fought for this city. Some years it was part of the French country. After some years Germany took this land, but after the first world war French people took it another time, and it was taken one more time by Germany people some years later. It was free in the postwar period. As you see it is a historical city. That was the reason why it was considered a symbol of reconciliation.

    If you want to know new cultures, this is the perfect city because of the events that they do, 10 of each 12 months they celebrate something different, one or two things per month. In February, everybody dances on the Street because of the carnival. In June there is an international festival of classical music and also there is a jazz festival, furthermore there is a feast of San Juan, in this feast there are many concerts, a lot of food, many shows, many campfires and all of this is sourrended by nature. In September there is a Festival of contemporary music, and as if that were not enough, Strasbourg is the capital of the christmas. There are craft markets and typical food to celebrat this wonderful month, also they have mulled wine flavored with spices. These are just few things they celebrate every month.

    The architecture coexists with medieval Germanic with French culture. If you go there, you should walk a lot to see all that this beautiful city has to give you, specially in the neighborhood called “le petite france”. It is one of the most wonderful places in this city. The houses have Wood framework of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, all the buildings have wooden Windows, and most of the doors are semicircular.

    There are a lot of university students there, it makes that every night becomes in the funniest night of your life. They usually celebrate parties on the docks, in most of the neighborhoods, in ballrooms, pubs and discos.
    And you do not have to worry about the transport. There are taxis, trains and buses to go to the center of the city every moment, whereby It makes easier to go wherever you want. But if you want to stay in a hotel, you will have to book it in advance. It is a crowded city. To sump it up, you will enjoy every single second of your stay in that awesome place, you could be into a new world walking around the city, walking around an unkown place.

    Gina Sandoval

  5. Hi! I am your tourist guide and I will give you… TEN REASONS TO VISIT THE WONDERFUL AND BEAUTIFUL COLOMBIA.

    1.A paradise of 365 days, accompanied of a tropical climate in which stations do not exist, but it has contrasts and biodiversity out of your imagination.
    2.The amiability, warmth and passion of the Colombians for the life are qualities that the tourist will find in all the latitudes of the national territory.
    3.His people are creative, positive, recursive, happy and with an infinite capacity of work.
    4.The Colombians will captivate your heart showing you how to be friends from the first moment.
    5.Colombia is one of the richest countries in biological diversity., it has 20 % of species of birds in the world, 17 % of amphibians, 8 % of fish from sweet water, 8 % of reptiles, 16 % of diurnal butterflies and 10 % of mammals between others.
    6.Masks, plumes, makeup, music, dances, prominent figures and happiness compose, between many other elements, the traditional Colombian holidays. It is an ideal destination for the entertainment and the happiness of the world tourists.
    7.The different cultural manifestations are known and recognized by his representative and genuine wealth, between others there are Barranquilla's Carnival, the Fair of the Flowers of Medellin, the Latin-American Festival of Theatre of Bogota, the Carnival of Whites and Blacks of Pasto and Manizales's Fair.
    8.For the lovers of the nature and the extreme sports, three mountain chains of The Colombian Andes, they constitute an excellent scene to climb or to travel paths. For the nautical sports, the Caribbean Sea, the Coasts of the Pacífico or the lakes and the reservoirs inside the country, they are the best scenes for the practices of the lightning, the ditches, the surf and even the fishing and the rafting.
    9.“El Triángulo del Café” is the heart of the famous Colombian coffee, a region that includes the departments of Quindío, Risaralda and Caldas. Coffee growers have a tourist offer based on the tradition and the conservation of his landscapes and traditions. Also, it is possible to rest at beautiful household in the middle of the immense coffee fields, to live through the process of production of the grain, beside to enjoying theme parks about the coffee culture.
    10.The Colombian gastronomy is so changed as his regions. The Carib is outlined for the use of the coconut, the banana, the yucca and tropical fruits as the corozo and the mango, for the accompaniment and seasoning of fishes and seafood; the Andean Region has a trend marked towards the meat, potatoes, the beans and the corn, while on the Pacific Coast the kitchen turns concerning the rice, the lentil and the fish, in the Orinoquía towards the veal, the yucca and the fish.


  6. Good morning everyone. It is a pleasure to invite you to a wonderful place called Wengen-switzerland, located between a lot of beautiful mountains in the south of switzerland where you can do a lot of different activites such as camping, skying, hiking... and a lot more. When you are there you can consider to stay there the rest of your life, and if you ask yourself why? it is because all the landscapes that make you fall in love of this wonderlful town, and that is not even the most important thing to consider to make a life there, if you want to go outside without being in trouble with the traffic, you can do it, because it is a free-car-town where you can experience a environment of peace, tranquility and quiteness. there are just a few electric cars that may drive you to all these historical places or maybe to the railway station.

    You may like take a long, very long walk, taking into a count that you have to pass throught a few towns more... here is a more detailed description:

    First, if you haven't done so already, then take some time to admire the views from Wengen itself, either from the village or from the viewpoint at the railway station. The Jungfrau far above, the Lauterbrunnen valley faer below, with its textbook sheer glacial walls, it's quite something.

    From the railway station, follow the path up the left-hand side of the railway tracks, climbing gently up through the village. At the Hotel Eden, turn right underneath the railway line and follow the paved path between the idyllic houses and gardens to reach In Gassen after around 20 minutes. The craggy wall of the Tschuggen ridge imposes itself right above you at this point.

    From here, the paved path becomes a good track, and rises steeply through the woods, although still not very far from the train line. After passing the restaurant Allmend, follow the path up to the left, passing underneath the railway and continuing up the left-hand side to reach a picnic lookout after around 40 minutes.

    Continuing to climb, the path turns a corner and directly faces the Jungfrau, the pristine Silberhorn peak and the tumbling glacier appearing suddenly from behind the ridge. A little farther up is a lookout point off to the right, from where there are good views back towards Wengen and the valley, as well as up towards the Jungfrau and Mönch. From this lookout point, the crowds grow substantially, until you reach Wengernalp station at around 30 minutes.

    Once at Wengernalp station, you have the choice of continuing up alongside the railway up to Kleine Scheidegg, or the signposted path up to Haaregg, or a couple of routes down to Mettlenalp. The trip up to Kleine Scheidegg is recommended (despite the crowds) and you can easily return a different way (or by train). One easy route down from Wengernalp, signposted Mettlenalp, descends gently towards the two chairlift stations at Wixi, where you may spot (and hear) rumbling snowfalls on the mountain flanks opposite. It then continues round to the right, signposted to Mettlenalp, joining the slightly longer path coming down from Haaregg and Weissefluh.

    The path carries on through fields of cows, with yet another great and precipitous viewpoint with benches off to the left across the field. Shortly you get another choice, with the main track continuing down to Langentrejen and emerging back at the restaurant Allmend, which you passed on the outbound route. The alternative, longer, route follows the signposts left to Stalden, giving amazing clifftop views from Staldenflüh of the Lauterbrunnen valley, the path seemingly suspended miles up. It then sweeps back round towards Wengen, showing the whole Lauterbrunnen valley with its waterfalls, before entering Wengen on a narrow road.

    But if you 'thing' is culture you have to kwon that a special cultural feature of Wengen is the so-called "Pfeifende Lurch" (German for "whistling amphibian"). It is a legendary creature from myths and tales, that only exists in Wengen.

    Camilo Hernández
    Cod: 201410746

  7. Good morning! I am going to present you the city of Wellingtong, New Zealand. There are a lot of incredible activities you could do. First of all, wellington is well known for being the hometown of the director of The Lord of the rings, Peter Jackson. Also, there are a lot of restaurants and bars so you must forget about your diet and enjoy the delicious dishes that are avaible for everyone.

    Also,you can walk or take a bus from the city to the top of Mount Victoria to enjoy a panoramic view 360 degrees of Wellington. But if you are more interested in art you can visit the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa (Te Papa), ‘Te Papa Tongarewa’ literally means ‘container of treasures’. You can discover the treasures and stories of New Zealand’s land and people under one roof.

    It has six floors of engaging, interactive displays. You can find Māori and Pacific cultural treasures, New Zealand’s extraordinary natural life, its most important works of art, and its unique history. Finally you can get shaken up in the Earthquake House or come face to face with a colossal squid, then explore its life through 3D animation.

    Even thought, in the museums there are a lot of explained nature, it is way better to see it in real life, that is why you can go to Zealand; ZEALANDIA is a mainland island with a unique eco-sanctuary for New Zealand’s native wildlife. Rare species are living wild within one square mile of regenerating forest surrounded by a ground-breaking pest-proof fence.

    You must choose from 32 kilometres of tracks to spot kākā (the playful forest parrot), tuatara (a reptilian living fossil), saddleback, hihi, falcon, takahē, wētā, tūī, robin and many more. You have book a night tour to seek out the iconic little spotted kiwi and other nocturnal creatures. In order to understand New Zealand's natural history you must explore the exhibition that includes a wonderful short film. Then if you want to, you can enjoy delicious food and drink at Rata Café or maybe buy something in the souvenir store.

    To finish, it is important to say that Wellington is located in a strategic place, where you can find beaches where is allowed to practice a lot of xtreme sports but also you can just take a nap under the sun to get that beautiful tan that everyone wants to have.

    Camila Garcia

  8. Welcome to Villanueva – Santander.
    My Village was founded by Mr. Alfredo Gómez, Mr. Juan F. Martinez, Mr. José Gómez Ordoñez- Mr. Misael Carreño, Mr. Buenaventura Ballesteros, Mr. Candido Neira, Mr. Luis Roberto Ballesteros, the priest Carlos Quintero, Mr. Camilo Rueda- and Mr. Ciro Gómez Bautista. On April 1st, 1948.

    The priest and Mr. Camilo Rueda influenced in a huge variety of ways the beginning of my town. They are one evidence of all the changes Villanueva has experienced by its growth through the years, due to all the social and economic efforts they did.

    First, I want to talk about the location: Villanueva is neighbor of Barichara (the prettiest town of Colombia), but you need to recognize Villanueva because it is more special: Villanueva is located in the south of the Santander department.

    Villanueva is a beautiful town with a lot of characteristics that show its good socioeconomic development. It means, you will find things and places that you won´t forget from this location. As original products from our locality such as bean sweet, marshmallows based on panela, and Ice creams made of all the fruits and vegetables that you can imagine.

    The most representative food site of Villanueva is named “Heladeria El Nevado” (An Ice Cream Saloon). In this small company, they make ice creams from yuca, chontaduro, avocado, carambolo - torombolo, arazá, borojó, acerola… and so on.
    For that reason, you have to visit Villanueva. That would be an opportunity to challenge your palate and taste the strangest and the most unimaginable flavors.

    Also, you can take a souvenir from my town, either a stone clock or an image made with stones or even a bag made with natural fiber or sisal. Also, you can enjoy visiting each one of the town sights, for example you have the opportunity to visit places such as, gaskets, nitro cave, blue pit, or the Hospital (If you are sick, of course). This places are a little sample of all the biodiversity that is representative of all the people who love nature.
    Otherwise, Villanueva´s economy is based on the production of beans, tobacco, corn, cattle raising... etc.
    However, the most important is the stone carving. It is because many people/families, even women and men, work doing this.

    We can know of all the festivities that are celebrated in Villanueva because they bring people together around all the parties. Besides, in Villanueva there is a celebration (The Folkloric and Cultural Festival and the Return Parties) in which people can enjoy of different activities like dance, concerts, carnival floats and more.

    One of the last things but the most important, is the people, who are characterized for being entrepreneurial (Or as it is known "Echada pa´lante"), hardworking, friendly, helpful… and foremost, the people are diligent.

    Finally, the “Hotel Las Rocas Villanueva” (HOTEL THE ROCKS), is a comfortable and pleasant place with additional services such as a restaurant, a swimming pool, private parking, a bar, a restaurant, a jacuzzi, a spa, steam, cable car, a specialized guide, a handicraft shop and a large number of natural and cultural attractions, in addition to the warmth of the people.
    Make Villanueva your next tourist and cultural destination!

    Edgar Rivera

    Hello everybody, my name is Dayana Virgüez Monroy and today I am going to be your guide for this tour. I am very excited to show you this wonderful place. I would like to welcome you all to La Macarena, I hope that all of you enjoy your stay here in La Macarena, but before the tour starts around this amazing town, I want to talk more about its history and its attractions.

    As you know, La Macarena is a town and municipality in the department of Meta; also it is the richest in the world when it comes to fauna and flora. With important natural reserves such as La Sierra de la Macarena where it is located the river Caño Cristales considered one of the most beautiful in the whole world.

    If you want to see animals here, you can find variety of them and also plants, besides you have the opportunity to eat our typical food such as Bread of rice, Capon de auyama, Entreverado and a lot of delicious that you can enjoy only in this town.

    You can practice many activities in this place such as: Camping in ¨Brisas del guayabero¨, you can go in a Tour for the River Guayabero, ecological hiking, you can swim in the cascade Del Raudal, also, you can go Fishing, Canoeing and more activities that you can do only in the Macarena.

    Please do not forget to pack the best attitude for this amazing tour and some basic elements such as: sleeping bags, confortable clothes and everything that you consider important to travel to la Macarena. Remember that when you visit La Sierra de la Macarena you cannot use sunscreen or insect repellent because these products can contaminate the environment and we work so hard every day to save and protect the animal habitat and the environment.

    Finally this is a beautiful quite town where you can relax, enjoy the nature, sit by the rivers and feel very safe, for that reason it is the best option if you are thinking where to go on vacation or where to go to relax and scape from the daily routine even if it is just for a weekend. I invite you to come to La Macarena, this travel is really worth it and if you come I promise you that you will not regret it and that here you can live one of the best experiences of your entire life.

    Dayana Paola Virgüez Monroy


    Barbosa is called ‘’puerta de oro de santander’’ or ‘’la capital del color y la alegria’’ is located in the south of the departmet of Santander among Velez, Puente nacional, Moniquirá y cite, with a temperature of 22°C where you can taste typical food like chorizo, gallina criolla, mute, pincho, carne oreada, rellenas, mazamorra of corn and longaniza, also fast food like ‘’arepa la quemona’’ , ‘’empanaditas of 200’’ and ‘’burgers of 1000’’
    Why do you have to go to Barbosa? If you want an aventure trip, you should go to Barbosa.
    Because we have the Cycle ride from Barbosa to Cimitarra,
    la cascada real where you can practice canyoning,
    cave santa rosa, piedra de pato where it is developed the festival del rio Suarez, wáter well called orito.
    Our festivities
    20, 21, 22 June ‘’ festival de regreso a casa , Barbosa’s Birthday
    23rd August -Kite festival
    17 october Orchids Festival
    28, 29, 30 and 31st of december where there are artistic,cultural and sports activities

    1st january carnival Facundo Moraita
    8, 9, 10th January Rio Suarez festival
    8th January
    • Ride parade
    • Competition of cars off
    • Competition of Children painting
    • Girls’ talent test from Barbosa
    9th January
    • Mountain bike
    • Vóley playa, futbol playa, ajedrez al parque y exposición de pintura
    • Exhibition of karts
    • Latin thong Model, election and Barbosa’s girl coronation
    • Fireworks
    10th January
    • Competition cross fit
    • Competition of car audio
    • Latin thong Model, election and coronation

    -Marlly Sanabria

  11. Hello my friends, today I am here because I want to convince you about going to this wonderful city, which for me is the best in the world, of course I am talking about Lelystad. This beautiful place is located in the north of the Flevoland province in Holland, in first place I would like to point one of the best aspects of going there is to appreciate the tulips crops that are in flower around the months of March to May, just have a look to these pictures and tell me if isn’t it amazing.

    Taking into account that this is a very young city, it has a lot of things to do that you may find interesting or at least fun and of course some nice places that you can visit. Also it is important to say that this is a very quiet city, so if you enjoy peace, tranquility and at the same time having some fun, this is the place for you to visit in your next vacations travel.

    So, there in Lelystad due to its location in the coast, you can find lot of places to practice aquatic sports, even you can surf if it is of your interest.

    If you decide to go there you really have to visit the historical museums and many other places like Bataviawerf shipyard, the “Nieuw Land Erfgoedmuseum” or the Aviodrome where children and adults have the chance of learning about the history of aviation and finally you can not avoid to go shopping in the Batavia Stad one of the best places you can find. In this city there is also place for nature and you can notice that if you go to the Natuurpark Lelystad, where you can spend really nice moments with different kind of animals.

    And last but not least, you should go and see the Exposure, a beautiful monument which has the silhouette of a man.

    And so I have finished all my cards I had to convince you about visiting this city.

    Juan Sánchez

  12. Do you want that any special event happen in your life???... Why do not you do?... i am going to boost you.
    Colombia has from beach to big mountains but today I am going to speak about a department that has the most beautiful mountain in South America.
    It is Boyacá; In Boyacá is the park national natural el cocuy. It has the biggest glacier mass in South America with 28 peaks approximately, near to park natural there is a little town called Güicán
    Under full corner of the mountains Güicán is my small town.
    Güicán is a town that is in Boyacá, it is in the north and it adjoins with cocuy, panqueba, espino, sarabena.
    How can I get to Güicán?
    If you are in Bogotá you can go to Highway 170 that is in the north of the city and take a bus to Tunja (that is the capital od Boyacá) or you can go to principal station bus and ask about departure of bus to Güicán.( the travel last from 10 to 12 hours )
    When you arrive to Güicán, you need to look a hotel, we have 15 different hotels when you have hotel also you can call some touristic guide.
    What can I do in Güicán?
    Güicán has religious tourism, cultural tourism, and extreme tourism in Güicán there are beautiful places that tourist can visit in order to activities here i going to say some:
    In the north to ten kilometer of the center town are Ortega’s peak, Marengo’s waterfall and deer reserve. (Tourist needs two days to visit those places and equipment for camping)
    In the east is to 27 kilometers is the park national el cocuy but in quantity of territories Güicán has most part of the park that cocuy town (park has the name for politics influence).
    If you want to visit that lieu you need to rent a car, pay for a touristic guide; there are two activities different:
    Family hiking consist in a travel in family, this use one day and people do not need special equipment.
    The second one consist in a stream travel, where we going to load a big bags because we needs climbing and camping equipment.
    In the south of Güicán are cycle’s trails, boulder walls and dead´s crag which is popular because around of 1500 a group of indigenous committed suicide by jumping.
    Finally in the west remain the unique cave paintings of the dead indigenous also a thermals swimming pool.
    You can walk in every trail that exists in Güicán.

    Here I put some activities that tourist can do:
    • Snow and rock climbing
    • Horse riding
    • Mountain bike
    • Hiking
    • Tracking
    • Paragliding
    • Rappelling
    • Cable flight

    I am guide of extreme tourism.
    My e-mail
    My telephone number 3133815827
    Chritiam manuelpuentes leal

  13. Hey everyone! Today I am going to talk about Mallorca.
    Mallorca is one of the Balearic Islands in the western Mediterranean, off the east coast of Spain, it can be kind of small, but it’s inversely proportional to all the things that the island has to offer. As I said before, it is located in the Mediterranean, and when you hear Mediterranean, which is the first thing that goes up on your mind? Yes, sunshine and beaches, and yes, Mallorca has that, A LOT of that, with over 500km of coastline, they are over 200 beaches to choose.
    It also has “The Serra de Tramuntana” it is the principal mountain range of the Balearic Islands, you can go cycling, go for a hike and also it is a great place to take photos because of the incredible view. Oh! I forgot something… it has also been made a World Heritage Site.
    In the last years, Mallorca has been producing amazing wine, and has been moving up in the rankings of best wine makers, this is a new attraction for travellers and wine lovers.
    Aside the great beaches, Mallorca has the “Caves of Drach”, they are four caves formed by water being forced through the entrance from the Mediterranean Sea, they are one of the main attractions of Mallorca, they are open to the public and when the visit ends with a short classical concert performed by four musicians on a boat.
    Mallorca has great dive sites with varied marine life, you can find tunnels and caves UNDER THE SEA! How cool is that?
    At the north of the island there’s the ancient town old of Alcudia, which was built in land to protect the island against pirates. The town has a romantic charm worthy of a fairy tale, you can walk around the street maze for hours and never get tired of its charm.
    Cap de Formentor is a must-see of the island, it is the highest point of it, so you can see all the giant waves about to break and the immensity of the sea.
    And last but not least, Mallorca is worldwide known for its night life, as soon as the sun goes down, the music is turn up.
    These are just a few things that you can do in Mallorca. So, just think about it, a nice glass of wine, watching the sunset by the beach, sounds tempting, right? That’s why Mallorca is waiting for you!

    Daniela Galvis
    Code: 201510293

  14. Hello everyone, today, I am going to talk to you about the most mysterious and amazing city in the world, this city is the awesome Giza!, it has the most mysterious secrets, beliefs, and customs about the most ancient civilization, there, you can find one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Giza is located on Egypt, on the west bank of the Nile and southwest of Central Cairo. If you are curious, lover of history and ancient civilizations; you will be fascinated by this city! During your journey in Giza, you will enjoy the awesome trips by camel around the city; you will know the fantastic pyramids. They were built to conserve the three egyptians kings' tombs "Khufu" "Khafre" and "Menkaure". The ancient egyptians believed that it was important to be buried properly; therefore, they used the pyramid shape to represent the first land to appear at the begining of the time, they also believed the pyramid's slides could symbolically help pharaohs to climb to the sky and live forever. Into the pyramids you can find graves of some craftsmen and workers that contain mummified body as well as bread, fruit, amulets and furniture for the afterlife.

    The Great Sphinx is other amazing monument you can visit; it is a large human-headed lion that was carved from a mound of natural. Many egyptians tell about the powers and mysteries of this Sphinx! some people believe, there are hidden passageways and rooms underneath the Great Sphinx.

    Undoubtedly, Giza is an amazing and mysterious place to know. You won't find these awesome and ancients monuments in any other place. Besides you will know and learn about one of the most ancient civilizations in the world!

  15. Hello Everyone,
    Today I am going to talk about my city, Valledupar. Also, I´m going to show you pictures about our culture and music, and I´m going to explain you a little about them. Also I am going to tell you about a traditional legend called La Sirena, and at the end, I´m going to sing Nacio mi poesia.
    The myths traditional said that You can´t to take a shower on white Thursday after at 12:00 O clock. Because you could to transform in a mermaid or fish. Now I´m going to read you about the Mermaid of Valledupar.
    Ok then was a young woman from Valledupar who felt the pull of the river and followed the call, despite the fact that it was White Thursday (Jueves Santo) and her parents had forbidden her to go. At first the river was as lovely and refreshing as it would have been any other day, but soon a violent stormed kicked up, and as she struggled not to drown the girl realized that her legs had turned into the scaly tail of a fish. Since then, she has reappeared a few times, her tears signs of her regret for her disobedience. A statue in her honor can be found at the top of the river, near the Bridge of Hurtado.

    Traditional oral storytelling has helped preserve stories, myths and legends, such as the popular "legend of the guatapuri mermaid", or the "silborcito" (the nazarenian without a head), "the Lerta" ("The duel between the devil and Francisco 'the man'"), "the monitos", "The llorona (the crying woman)", "la madre monte (mother nature)" "la mano pelua (the hairy hand)", and "el cuco”,
    Anyway, Our Valledupar Also is the capital of Vallenato Music, and that is genial. The vallenato that we listen it´s not a traditional Vallenato, because the real traditional Vallenato music is formed by Three instruments traditionally make up a vallenato band. These are:
    => The guacharaca. The most recognizable instrument. A hollowed out piece of wood (or these days often metal) that is stroked with a stick to add percussion to the music.
    => The caja. A small drum made with cowskin and held between the knees and played with bare hands.
    => The accordion. Often accordions are custom made for Vallenato.

    Ok then, now I´m going to sing.


    (Wikipedia, 2016)
    Wikipedia. (23 de August de 2016). Wikipedia. Obtenido de Wikipedia:

  16. Good afternoon , would you like to be in a place where you can have a lot of fun, where you can find pleasure on every corner and of course where you can learn more about history?, well, today I am going to invite you to Amsterdam.
    First a little bit of history, Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands, it started as a small fishing village in the late 12th century, Amsterdam became one of the most important ports in the world during the Dutch Golden age in the 17th century.
    Let´s start. Have you ever read the Anne Frank diary? Well, you are going to have a really touching, heartbreaking and why not? A happy moment when you visit the Anne Frank house. As you know during the world war II Anne Frank and her family hid in this house from the Nazis for two years after feeling persecution in Germany.
    The front of the house is a kind of museum but the back has been preserved to give an idea of what life was like for Anne and the families she hid with.
    Now, what about riding on bike in Amsterdam? That is by far one of the most exciting experiences in the Netherlands. Cycling is actually a way of life in this great city; most of the people enjoy visiting the markets, the parks and the museums by bike. There are over 800.00 bikes and you can use most of them for free.

    Another option is floating along the canals by guided boat. I recommend you to do this at night, why? Just look at this pics (pictures).
    There are over 200 retailers here, including boutiques, vintages stores and special stores. You can also visit the museum of Vincent Van Goh.
    And finally, if you are looking for fun and a crazy night, you have to visit the red light district, a place of freedom and pleasure. Here prostitution is the point of reference.

    I hope you visit Amsterdam soon.

  17. Welcome to Laussane- Switzerland
    Laussane is the most beautiful city of Switzerland, is a city in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, and the capital and biggest city of the canton of Vaud. Is located near to the Lac Léman , or le lac de Genève, this is a lake on the north side of the Alps, shared between Switzerland and France. It is one of the largest lakes in Western Europe. Lausanne also has one of the most important university in the country.
    So... Why do you have to visit this city? Is so simple:
    Lausanne has a lot of beautiful places for example there are many museums, many art representations, a lot of libraries where you can find all types of books and documents, etc, but there are two places that are the most important and representative places in this town.

    1. Lausanne is a focus of international sport, hosting the International Olympic Committee the Court of Arbitration for Sport and some 55 international sport associations, and has The Olympic Museum, this Museum first opened to the public on June 21, 1993 attracting almost 200,000 visitors each year. The Olympic Museum pays a tribute to the men and to the women who celebrate and live the Olympic ideal: the athletes of course, but also the creators, the architects, the volunteers, all those who make a commitment to make relive, every two years, the dream of Coubertin under a shape every renewed time.

    2.And we can find the Rolex Learning Center; the Center is composed by a series of facilities for the study, the education, the investigation, the socialization, the entertainment and the administration.

    The Rolex Learning Center has one of the biggest libraries in Europe, this library has 500.000 printed works, is one of the biggest scientific collections of Europe. It possesses four big areas of study aptitude to receive to 860 students and an office space for more than 100 employees. A library of art multimedia leads to 10.000 publications on line and 17.000 electronic books, with machines of lending and systems advanced for the bibliographical search.

    You can find many interesting things in this city, Lausanne has beautiful nature because this town is located near to the Alps, also has a great wine and peaceful people.
    Come to Lausanne and have a wonderful experience! :)
    Laura Rojas Zamora

  18. Hello my friend, How are things ?

    Today I am glad to invite you to the town where I have lived the most of my life, and this is Soatá! yes, here in Colombia!

    Like I have told you the last month, here is a not so small paradise, where you can get everything necessary for living thrilled and without worries.

    I know you are from a really cold city in the north of Alaska, so here that will be different, because here we have a comfortable weather everyday. Trust me you will not regret!

    I do not know where to start, okay here I go. So in the town there are several swimingpools to choose for those hot days, it is really nice, we can enjoy of a feeling of warmth with a cold drink, maybe a natural juice or a beer, you know and then we can take a dip and swin for hours if you want, do not worry.

    Besides in the clubs there are regional games like "tejo", "rana", "bolos" and I would like to see you trying to play them and maybe do a competition I am not very good in this so anyone can win.

    Another day we can go for walking and picnicking with my family to some turistic places like “El Chorro”, “La cueva del indio” “Puente Pinzón” and after hanging out with my friends, visiting the parks and as my mom says “measuring streets” over there, and obviously you have to taste the tipical sweets like “limones” “batidillo” “masaticos” and specially “El Dátil” because after all this is “La Ciudad Del Dátil”
    Remember I will be waiting your “yes there I will be bro”

    Best Regards my friend.
    Take care, Bye.

    Code: 201514560

    Reasons to visit my town.
    Tópaga is a bautiful town in Boyacá, although this is cold ans small, its people are good and friendly.
    The celebrations and fairs: In December, the topaguenses play the Aguinaldo Boyacense, it can be: straw in mouth (pajita en boca), three feet (tres pies), to give and not to receive (al dar y no recibir), stolen kiss (beso robado)... gambling and paying are customs in my town.
    Each district disguises itself for a presentation in a day special, many persons visit my town for that, for seeing the desguises or the devils or for knowing our cultural presentations.
    During the year, there two festivals or celebrations very important: celebration of "La cachanga" and festivities in honor of San Judas Tadeo (Tópaga´s patron), in these dates famous singers come to Tópaga and we make differents activites such as competitions and winners obtain awards.
    In Easter, the people personify the characters in the Viacrucis, my cousin is Jesus and my brother sometimes is Pilatos... this is very funny and at the same time is respected.
    The Church: this is visited for many people of different places because inside it there is the image of the devil and some angels. The devil is guarded for these angels. The church is cultural heritage thanks to its shape. The persons work with coal and the young people do formal figures for example: in Nativity scene, the characters are made of coal. They make any kind of figures with coal.
    For many reasons I invite you for visiting my town, I receive you with many hugs and my open arms. Do not worry about meat and stay.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Good afternoon!

    Welcome to the most beutiful place of the Colombian plain, and why not? The most beautiful place of Colombia!
    Yopal is the capital from Casanare, Yopal derives his name of a tree called “yopo” and a yopal is a yopo’s forest, that’s the origin of his name.

    Next, I’m going to give you some reasons why all of you should visit to Yopal Casanare:

    Do you want to watch the best dawn and the best sunset landscape?
    Do you want to know the most friendly people ever?
    Do you want to learn to live the life of a peasant? (milking cows and herding cattle)
    Do you want to learn to ride horses with passion?
    Do you want to visit the most beautiful places you have visited ever? (El garcero, Colina Real, The virgin of Manare)
    Do you want to swim in the most beautiful rivers from Colombia?
    Do you want to eat the most delicious typical food from Colombia? (Carne a la Mamona, Mamona asada)

    If you want to do all those things, you SHOULD and MUST visit to Yopal Casanare.

    Neiris Terraza Navarro.
    Cod. 201421260
