Friday, 28 October 2016

Writing and talking about social issues!

Hi all!  

Hope you are doing well! Welcome to our third activity. Please, post your comments before November 4th, 6 p.m.!

1. Select a specific topic from the ones proposed in class in relation to the videos about social issues

2. Write your esssay in paragraphs considering the suggested format. Take into account all the aspects suggested in class. It must have 350 words at least.

3. Tips for writing:

Language use / writing aspects:

Simple sentence structure.
- Include as much details as possible.
- Useful vocabulary you need to express your ideas.
- Grammar, spelling, punctuation rules, etc.
- Coherence and cohesion.
- Useful conectors or linking words.

4. Prepare an oral report to be presented in tutoring sessions from November 7 to 11 (3 minutes). Be as creative as possible. 

All your writings will be welcome as comments... Thanks for participating!




    Animal abuse is an issue that is irrelevant to many, but for others, like me, is very important, and that is the reason why this essay wants to make people aware that animals are alive beings, and as humans, they need to be respected and valued, because altought we cannot speak the same language, they feel like us.
    Also, it wants that the reader reflect on the situation that those beautiful creations of nature suffer daily, because of the so-called “rational animals”, humanity.


    Cruelty to animals is understood as a set of behaviors that cause unnecessary pain or stress to the animal, which come from neglect basic care, to the torturous murder.
    This is a serious problem that faces to the society, but is nothing new, it is something that goes back several years ago. It is valid to recognize that with the passage of time, it has taken certain measures to protect animals, but these inhumane acts against these wonders of nature are still made, for example, in several parts of the world, it continues to allow the bullfights, where animals are tortured until kill them, while spectators enjoy it and also they praise, revere and congratulate the murderer, with the excuse that it is a cultural event.
    Another form of violence against animals is well reflected in scientific practices using it as an excuse of progress and scientific development, to use and mistreat cruelly to animals, including monkeys, pigs, mice, dogs, cats, etc., but these people contradict their deeds, because they hurt animals and their environment with the pretext of creating products that do not affect them.
    Similarly, in circuses and zoos you can see the deplorable conditions in which these animals survive, not counting routines of torture which they are subjected daily, in order to distract and amuse people who can not see beyond disguises, in exchange for some money.


    They are endless methods of torture, abuse and violence against animals, but it has not sense mention them if it will not become aware of them, and although like all social issues, it is difficult to end it, but it is posible to take preventive measures, starting from home, educating children and teaching them every alive thing deserves as much respect as them, thus not only the suffering of many animals will be avoided, but also it will prevent abusive and violent people grow.
    And finally, remember that we must be the voice of the voiceless.

  2. Education.

    I would like to start with this sentence that Albert Einstein once said, everybody is a genius but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. So, the school is killing the creativity and I´m not lying. You are obliged to work, to learn things that you don´t like. But you have to do it. I wrote have to, yes maybe you are asking why? But the answer it´s so clear. The school bases its education in a single type of intelligence. And the true is that there are eight types of multiple intelligence. The school bases its education in a logical-mathematical intelligence, but there are musical intelligence, Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, verbal-linguistic intelligence, naturalistic intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence and visual-spatial intelligence. The education treats people as the same thing. I said thing because you are treated like that. You are in a kind of factory or maybe in a Jail where you have to study for six hours, seven hours even eight hours, where you have to do the things that the teachers say like a robot.
    Then, the school for this reason is killing our creativity, and killing dreams and makes you think that you are stupid.
    However, the school is trying to teach the same thing in the same way no matter the situation of the students.
    That makes me think that we are like a product, a thing that if we don´t learn the thing that we don´t like, we are useless. The school try the students like if the students have the same brain, that´s a big problem and it´s impossible that every student in a classroom have the same likes.
    That is not all, the education that make you think that the mathematics are more important that the art, the music or the dance and anyway you have to make the difference.
    The change is in our hands; we must make the necessary to destroy so much inequality. We know it, it´s a dream but the dreams can come true.

  3. In these days in every street, even near our houses we can see so many homeless dogs. Dogs that need our love, care, and protection, but most of us are not interested in them. We just think that they are another useless and homeless dog, but the thing that we do not know is the history behind that “useless and homeless” dog. In different countries around the world this situation is under control because they are concern about the dogs in the streets and the potential danger that they represent. This because not every loveless dog is kind and friendly. But this is a thing that just the smallest part of this countries think, and it is why I am mention it.

    Almost every single person think that a careless dog is just sad and broke our heart see them suffer in a rainy day or extremely skin and ill. The problem is that in those countries the government and some ONGs take care of this situation but here in Colombia it is impossible to make it happen, depend on us.
    "Somewhere in the rain, there will always be an abandoned dog stop me from being happy." - Aldous Huxley-

    Until last year this country achieved one important step in the fight of the rights of animals, a law that prevents and prohibits abuse against animals, in special house animals like dogs or cats. And this will be punished by until five years in prison or, in most of the cases, mulct.
    "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -Gandhi-
    If you want to know the importance of this issue I am glad to invite you to being part of the change and take a role in this social and global issue just playing, feeding and taking care in every single aspect of one dog for his entire life or at least so much time. This kind of experiment change you for ever, make you think different. You will see them like one of us, like equals. This will make you a happy person, a better one. It will make you feel a real friendship and an eternal love. You will never see a “homeless dog” in a street or block of your neighbourhood. You will see a friend and we protect and take care of our friends. If you have done it in any moment of your life you will understand me and this cause.
    "It happens every time I lose a dog, takes a piece of my heart with him. And every dog that enters my life gives me a piece of his. If I live long enough, every part of my heart will be dog and I will be so generous and good as they are" -Anonymous-

    Camilo Hernández

  4. Xenophobia

    Maybe one of the most present social problems in these days and at the same time one of most ignored is the xenophobia. The xenophobia can be conceived as an applied large-scale prejudice. Etimologically it comes from the greek ξένος (xenos), which means « Foreigner » and φοβία (phobia) aversion.
    Basically it consists of an irrational fear towards the foreigners, towards persons of different cultures, societies, etc

    The xenophobia bases on arguments - sometimes times prejudices, sometimes pondered opinions - historical, linguistic, religious, cultural, and even national, to justify the total and obligatory separation among different ethnic groups, in order to not lose the " own identity ", this is one of the most used arguments by the defenders of the indigenous communities, which practise a very radical xenophobia, obtaining of governments as the enclosed Brazilian the prohibition of treading on indigenous territory, to support the culture of the above mentioned communities without influences that could destroy it.
    The xenophobia ,for the most part, rejects and excludes the foreigners slightly integrated to the local culture and to those who immigrate for economic motives and in massive quantities in the measure in which a competitor sees in them for the existential resources, just as our current problem as Latin people in the united states.
    This xenophobia associated with the migratory processes is not anything exclusive of the recept population of such migrations; many immigrants neither accept the culture that receives them nor strain for be mixing by the native ones, to know their culture and tradition, and sometimes not even for learning the language or respecting a few habits of noise, of care of the streets and urban material and a conception of the civic behavior different from those of their native lands.
    I conclude with this, that the xenophobia is just a set of prejudices that have created across false perceptions on different societies , many factors influence the creation of these prejudices as the television, which is the big lier, but the power to change is in each one, you are the only human being who can be thinking in the prejudices or about thinking indeed.

    Remember that your culture is the most impressive and is very important in your life, but it is not the only one.

  5. How the immigration affects world economy.

    The worrying rise of the extreme right in Europe and racism requires us to remember that there is no economic basis for rejecting immigration; In fact, quite the opposite. political groups such as The National Front in France, the People's Party in Denmark, Golden Dawn in Greece and a few for now minority parties in Spain are some of those who promote, under an assumed patriotism, the ideology of "not fit all" or "first national" in order to discriminate and harass big groups of immigrants while they create stereotypes that insult different cultures.

    In a recent publication by the OECD it says that immigration is beneficial to the economies of its member countries (including Spain and much of Europe). It is based on three perspectives: immigration favors the labor market, it contributes to public coffers more than what it is taken from it, and stimulates economic growth per capita by providing working age population

    In Spain, the Forum for the Social Integration of Immigrants, argues that and immigrant workers have not replaced the native nor caused more precarious working conditions, are in fact they are the most affected by consequences of the crisis. It concludes by recommending dedicate more resources to integration policies in pursuit of the economy.

    In conclusion, there is no valid reason to support the crazy idea of the masive deportation of thousands of immigrants, in fact, according to recent researches, immigrants help to the economy of world powers like USA and Europe, so they do not steal jobs or make those countries poor, they are basically hard workers doing the things that we do not like to do.

    Camila Garcia


    One of the most difficult solutions of life is to put an end to it, even if some people think otherwise, because to comit assisted suicide is not an easy decision, even more so if people know the great responsability that this act has, it is the same resposability that that person has had his or her whole entire life, no matter how simple the decision looks, it might change the life, specially if the decision is about euthanasia. People are autonomous and they are the enough age to make their own decisions, they know the suffering that they are going through and anybody else knows what that person is feeling, that is why people should not judge their decisions.

    Euthanasia is illegal in some countries, but in Colombia it is allowed and it must be gratuitous. But just for being gratuitous it does not mean that everybody can ask to the IPS for this process. It is characterized for some aspects and the first of all it is that everyhting has to be legal. It means that the person who asks for this process has to be an adult. The reason to ask for ethanasia, unfortunately, must be too serious like a terminal disease. Furthermore, a doctor has to approve the process and do it, no one else can make it and it is not a painful process, that is the reason why people who have a terminal disease flock to this procedure. It is not a way of ending life, it is a way of ending the pain that anybody can avoid. People are not in the planet to suffer, they are not in the earth living in death.

    The process and the decision are not as easy as it sounds, when someone requires the process, the interdisciplinary committee studies the case of the patient. For doing that, they need a specialist in the terminal disease that the patient has, they need a psychologist and a lawyer. If the request is valid they ask again to the patient if he or she is sure about the decision, if so the IPS has a deadline of 15 days to do the process, and then the pain will be over, but it will be over just for the person who was suffering for a terminal disease and wanted the euthanasia, becuase a new pain will grow up inside close people who loved the person who decided to commit assisted suicide. This pain will not be killed or buried, it will endure forever but i could be controlled with the passage of time.

    It is clear that no matter the arguments that people who have a terminal disease give, the society will always judge them for the decision that they accepted about eutanasia, like if they could end the pain with their opinions. People deserve to live worthily, but living connected by machines it is not a real live, it is just a way of lengthen the pain.

    Gina Sandoval

  7. In all the snack bars slightly healthy food is offered to the public: who has not eaten empanadas, hamburgers, French fried potatoes or who has not taken a soda? The problem is not to eat this type of food, the problem is to consume this type of products in excess and do not have a healthy life style. For this reason, many people around the world have problems of health: like the obesity or excess weight. The question is: What are the benefits of doing physical activity?

    The excess weight and the obesity are the abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat that is harmful to the health. It is calculated dividing the weight of a person in kilos by the square of its size in meters (kg/m2).
    In 2014, more than 1900 million adults of 18 or more years had excess weight, of which, more than 600 millions were obese. To reduce on weight and the obesity is necessary to have a style of healthy life: to eat healthy food (less greasy meals or sugar and more vegetables and fruits) and to do constant physical activity (sixty minutes per day).

    The persons who realize a constant physical activity have less illnesses and they can enjoy a longer life. The active persons see and feel better with itself. The well-being is not only a physicist.

    Benefits of the physical activityit: it favors the cardiovascular system, diminishes the blood pressure and improves the circulation, that is why it reduces the risk of heart attacks and cerebrovascular accidents.
    It helps in the prevention of cancer of colon, avoids the breast cancer and of prostate.
    It reduces the stress, the anxiety and the phobias and the attacks of panic, supports the treatment against the depression, this is so effective as the medicines, but this does not have side effects.
    In the children this can increase the bony thickness, in the adolescents it strengthens them and in the adult life it delays the degeneration. It can prevent the osteoporosis. The immune system produces more defenses.
    The oxygen flow to the brain increases, therefore the learning ability, it improve the concentration, memory and state of alert. It helps to be better and to feel better.

    In conclusion the persons who realize a constant physical activity endure less psychological and physical illnesses, they are more productive and happy. To have a healthy life style is very important to be happy persons and can spend time with our families.

    Jessica Barrera Orduz
    code: 201514560

  8. Education.
    I personally consider education as a big social issue, not only in Colombia but in the world, because the education has such a role in the society and we don’t appreciate and recognize in that way; even we as future teachers sometimes don’t think about it.
    For start, if we look for the concept of education in a dictionary we will probably find that it’s the action and effect of educate, after that concept we should probably look what’s educate because let’s be honest: We can understand such a thing just like that, and give a rational opinion about the topic. The dictionary defines educate as lead and coordinate the learning process of people, especially of children,in the different areas of knowledge. Now that we found and in some way know what education and educate are, I would like to discuss what I believe we don’t realize about it, or what we ignore.
    The first aspect that I found relevant in this is that children don’t like to go to schools (Where they are supposed to be educate), and for me, this problem is as big as the children that don’t have a place where they can study. This as big problem because if they (students in general) don’t put at least a little bit of interest in their education they will be as the children that want to go but don’t have where. Although some people say that is their problem, that they’re center in other things like social media, I think that that’s not all the truth. I’m not trying to say that they are only focus in the school and its assignments, I’m just want to clarify that many of the time- In my consideration- are the teachers who doesn’t motive the students to learn and study because they are only focus on achieve all the subjects and topics that the schools asked them in the curriculum at the beginning of the year. However I want to put an example: we complain about our school and/or university teachers doing what I just mentioned and not motiving us to like the topic and what we are doing, but maybe a few years ago-when there were students-they did the same, they complained. What I mean is that the people in charge of educate our future aren’t motiving them to get involved.
    The second aspect that has a relation with the last is that not only the “Basic” things as grades, assignments, etc., should be important, also the environment that involve the students. Because education cannot be focus just in the specific things that the students are supposed to know, forgetting all the feelings, experiences, etc. that the students are going through while they are making this progress. It’s very important to remember it, because education has become a thing where only matters that the students repeat and keep the knowledge for a moment-Almost all the time until the present the final exam-; and where the teachers only evaluate the final product, without taking care if the student has a problem that affect this learning process- I’m not talking about only incapacities- that’s supposed to be the most important in the education. But this is not a problem of all teachers; there are some that try to know better their students and their difficulties- in order to help them and create an alternative progress where they probably could enjoy learning-but it’s hard for them because there is not collaboration or interest from the other part.
    In conclusion education is a subject that has many aspects that the teachers and people don’t consider, being an issue in the way that we cannot only worry for the information that the students might know, because that would make the education just go, sit and repeat. Also there has to be an interest from the both parts, because only with one side education won’t be the ideal. Another conclusion is that we should recognize the cons and the pros of the education in general that the countries and schools give, in order to take care of it and stop that it of continue getting worse. My point is that if we don’t take the role of correct and improve those mistakes, the education will have the same problems.

    Sofia Molano

  9. Poverty is a complicated aspect that can be found in almost every place where humans are, and as a social issue it has a lot of factors that are relevant for people in general,
    that is why this paper will try to point some of the most important aspects related to the concern that this topic has upon every member of humankind.
    So the first thing to clarify is what poverty means, many people would say that poverty is just about the lack of money and in a certain point it could be a truth, but the reality is that not having enough money brings with in a lot of problems related principally to education, health, famine and any others issues as important as those already mentioned.

    This issue affects millions of people around the world and most of the times it is caused because people do not have a job, which would provide the money that is needed to keep their families fed, the way to get education or to have a house to keep safe those who depend on the adults, one of the main poverty causing reasons is the trouble that the countries or the governments have in their economy systems, giving no opportunities of work for all the people that need a salary or a proper gaining to spend in basic stuff or services like food or dress, although we can not throw all the blame over the government, in many cases this problem shows up because there is no enough resources like raw material in the area to provide a job and of course exists the cases where poverty is caused due to the negligence from people themselves have about looking for a employment, just because of lazy or waiting for government aids. Before all this problematic most of the people who do not have to live in misery conditions or do not know what poverty means have a careless viewpoint about the topic. The consequences of poverty are really impacting, and not in a good way, when there is poorness, systems like and education go in a slope which means that the society gets stuck and thousands will suffer the consequences by not being able to see a doctor if they get sick or to avoid taking medicines, because there is no way to buy them or sending their children to schools and preparing a preposterous future to the posterity.

    The poverty has existed as a natural part of our society, leaving most of the benefits or let’s say money, under the power of a minority while hundreds of thousands have to suffer trying to survive and as a community, humans do nothing taking into account the huge size that poverty has, before an issue that is practically everywhere we prefer to look away and pretend that is not our business when it really concerns to all of us.

    Juan Sánchez

    Hello, I am going to talk about a controversy issue which we have lived so much time ago and nowadays; every day the news show how people die of hunger, every day there is more unemployment, besides we can watch how the rich are becoming richer and the poor poorer every day. Today I am going to try give you a brief explanation and answer about one question which allow us thinking about this consciously, the question is the next, WHY IS POVERTY EXIST IN THE WORLD?

    A politician system called government has always ruled us who look for to accumulate wealthy through taxes from working-class, natural resources, banks, energy and money to buy arms. The government is who divided social classes where only the minority (they, the rich) has a lot of money, so much I think, ruled us and take advantage what working-class gains; the majority has very little money and many have absolutely nothing besides we believe that are freedom but really it is not so, every day we are slave of the government and do not realized of this, the mass media do not show the true face of government, its corruption and injustice and they distract us through football match, novels or reality shows, because they don’t want people search, realize of their scams and people do a revolution against them.
    There are many reason to check why the poverty exists:

    • The government accumulate wealthy and don’t care: increase price of food, gasoline or value-added tax, or decrease money to people’ health such as hospitals, and education.
    • The government with the capitalism encourage people to borrow in banks
    • People do not research, learn or inform by themselves and believe all politicians promise
    • There is no opportunities of work
    • People do not study or work, because they expect aids of government, (subsidies) they completely become dependent of State.

    Therefore it is very important to realize, how the State is ruling and slaving every day, besides take conscience, study, give our opinion, inform, read, complain about our nonconformities and struggle for our rights.

  11. PROSTITUTION: A way to survive.
    Prostitution is one of the most popular social problems in these days although this problem is ignored by society, it is important to say that this is a problem that can no longer be overlooking.
    In this opportunity I want to talk about the Prostitution, especially how this society defines prostitution.
    As you know Prostitution is the business or practice of engaging in sexual relations or sex acts in exchange for payment or some other benefit, also it is sometimes described as commercial sex or hooking. Probably there are close to 40 million sex workers worldwide. (
    I had the opportunity to talk with many people about this social issue and the perspective of people is so interesting but at the same times it is curious to see how the people judge them without thinking about why each of them decided to work on this.
    When I asked them how do you define Prostitution? Many of them said words like these: Dirty, criminals, sluts, desperate, drugs addicts…
    Although everyone may not agree with the idea of sex work especially those with conservative, religious views, they believe prostitution is immoral because it involves sex for money and they consider prostitution a sign of society’s moral decay. Other people do not like prostitution, but they think that legalizing prostitution would reduce the various harms prostitution causes.
    People are against the prostitution, but nobody wants to do something to solve this problem that affects us and nobody thinks about what we can do to prevent this harm.
    It is clear that there are many solutions to this social problem. I considered that one of these is Legalization because this allows the state to regulate all sex work and the most important for me is that sex workers can work in a safe environment and also would be required passing physical examinations every month to prevent the spread of infections. Don’t forget that sex workers are people too and should have the freedom to choose what they want to do with their body.
    Finally I want to tell you, if you do not have money or the opportunity to work, and you have responsibilities like paying for services, buying food, etc. and the only opportunity for obtaining money is to work on this. What would you do?
    ´Do not criticize or judge other people because you do not know what they have been through’.

    Dayana Paola Virgüez Monroy


    “Colombia is the second country in Central and South America with the most diabetics according to the International Diabetes Federation” (EL UNIVERSAL, 2014).

    Non-communicable diseases, of which diabetes is one, are the leading cause of death in the world. Diabetes is one of the social problems that are going unnoticed in the society. Today most of the people are concerned about eating, sleeping and others activities instead of realising that there are a lot of people who are suffering this lifetime disease. We are surrounded by a culture that values the outer part and because of that, we put our bodies through a mass pain and suffering to be "beautiful" (accepted, I mean).

    This sickness may be caused by genetics, race, a high BMI, inactivity, high blood pressure, high blood fat levels, gestational diabetes, a diet high in fat or alcohol (Evans & Salcido, 2011). And if it is not treated people may experience heart attacks, strokes, cataracts, glaucoma, blindness and even amputations (Evans & Salcido, 2011).

    With regard to the diabetes, the changes in morbidity and death rate have managed to draw attention to the country's health authorities... (Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social, 2014)

    On the other side, in the university population is quite common to find stories related to the poor eating habits (one cause of diabetes). According to the magazine “SEMANA” in a research done to young people Between the 18 and 25 years, shows that, due to the academic load and the high cost of edible products that are offered within the universities, the students tend to simple food intake and consequently, to choose an unhealthy nutrition more often. In Colombia, almost everyone or at least those most in need can get a balanced food intake thus, the economic situation of many people is complicated. Addressing this issue, the semana’s magazine says: The diet of adolescents is not appropriate “They do not feed properly” (SEMANA's magazine, 2016)

    Ultimately, there's nothing but the free will of each person to love and care themselves and to foster healthy lifestyles. Integral growth is a matter not just of holding a lot of money, but of living to the fullest acting prudently. Diabetes can be one of the worst fellows for humanity. At the economic level, this desease enslaves the people because they have to pay a lot of money for a good health care and the insulin for the whole treatment. Let's do of our lifetime one of the best things and when we get older, we will not regret of having good living conditions. It would not be fair to have scars that symbolize the brutalization of the body. Now, this is all up to you to look for a healthy lifestyle.

    Edgar Rivera


    Evans, V., & Salcido, K. (2011). Career Paths: NURSING. EU: EXPRESS PUBLISHING.

    EL UNIVERSAL, N. (14 de 11 de 2014). Colombia es el segundo país con más diabéticos de centro y Suramérica. Obtenido de

    Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social, C. (21 de 03 de 2014). Colombia enfrenta epidemia de enfermedades cardiovasculares y diabetes. Obtenido de

    SEMANA's magazine, C. (14 de 04 de 2016). La dieta de los universitarios: hamburguesa y pizza. Obtenido de

  13. An orphan child is alone in an adults' world.

    From children, the human beings have been greedy by nature, and that is why always we are searching to have more and more belongings as we are growing and the worst, we will never have a limit.

    Now if we remember in our past probably sometime we complained about having parents who tell off us for doing something wrong o because they did not give us a simple and unnecessary thing, but if you think just for a moment, how many children are not without their parents? And you do not imagine what they would give to feel that love, but sadly they will never get it because that is life. This situation is not a secret in every country around the world there are thousands of orphans, may they never had the opportunity to know their parents while many others would want not to have them, is not it ironic?
    One of the principal reasons of that the children remain orphans is the epidemic of the HIV, and here in Colombia, in our city we are very fortunate because we do not have to see so closely this sad fact. Do you know, did you know that the HIV kills a father, a mother every 15 seconds.

    The children can also lose one of their parents because of natural disasters, the hunger and/or war. Also, wars also contribute to the movement of children across frontiers. The extreme poverty, the diseases, the abuse and the incest can also break up the family unit and, as a result, children are abandoned.
    The orphaned children have no means to feed themselves properly. These children, usually live homeless on the streets. In most cases, the first thing sacrificed is education. Orphans must cover not only their own needs but also those of the younger children in their care. Besides they rarely prioritize their health over food or housing. Some orphans seek any work to escape their dire situation, but they are often exploited for degrading and dangerous jobs.

    Probably some day let's be able see a better reality where all these misfortunes already are not.
    Now you know this information, you will be grateful for having at least one of your parents and not have been an orphan child.


    Society nowadays it's all about the appearance, nothing is more important than the way you look. The social pressure is everywhere, if you're browsing on the internet you can see all those perfect bodies of celebrities, some manufactured by a surgeon plastic or others made of diets and a tea that reduces fat. Just imagine an average teenager looking through her Facebook or her Instagram and finding an unreachable body with a million likes, it's very overwhelming to fulfill the expectations of a society that wants voluptuous bodies and perfect belly.

    The problem is the stereotype of perfection created by all those magazines using photoshop to make their models perfect and the runways making their models starve until they fit in the tiny clothes. It's not just teenage girls feeling bad about themselves and copying the unhealthy behavior of these celebrities. There are also big consequences related to eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia and their variants, that cause psychological, physical, and social consequences. A person with an eating disorder may start out just eating smaller or larger amounts of food trying to achieve the perfect weight. Some people say that eating disorders aren't consider as medical conditions but they are real, treatable medical illnesses. They frequently coexist with other illnesses such as depression, substance abuse, or anxiety disorders.

    Not everyone agrees with the perfect beauty stereotype, in fact there are campaigns all over the world that support models that are not on the typical weight standard. Also there are runways exclusively for these beautiful women with curves and the attitude to accept the critics of those who observe them with the wrong perspective of beauty.

    It's important to take care of yourself, to maintain healthy eating habits and to exercise regularly but of course you need to do all of these things without affecting your physical and mental health. But the most important thing of all is to know that it's okay to have a body that isn't perfect, it's okay to be a little chubby, it's okay to have stretch marks because you are perfect just the way you are, you don't need to fulfill the expectations of anyone other than yours.

    COD : 201511556

  15. Poverty in colombia
    poverty in Colombia has had a long process since the Spaniards came to our lands. now at this moment of history While the correlation between poverty, inequality and social conflict is complex, it is important to remember that the Colombian conflict has its origin, in part, in the absence of human security (security on the land, security of employment, security of access to quality health care and education). This dynamic forms part of a vicious cycle, whereby conflict extends and also deepens poverty and inequality.
    Poverty and inequality
    the gap of rich and poor in Colombia has grown in recent years. if we talk about the division between the two parts is 70 percent to the rich and 30 percent to the poor about
    if we talk about the basic needs covered in national policies. we can see that the state is so corrupt that most of the state funds for education and health are lost. if we see the most remote areas of the city are the most affected by the problem of corruption. It is clear to us that the gobierno does not fight against corruption.
    today there are people who do not have 10 square meters to live.
    Poverty and war
    the war in Colombia has produced at least 4 million people displaced. In most cases when these lands are uninhabited, rich buy land and they pay paramilitary groups to keep them maintained and that the former owners never return

    if we talk about those displaced by the war, we could also say that many of these movements have been associated with large landowners who supported the conflict.
    After the rich buy cheap land, the government promotes agronomy programs, ie everything is a vicious circle where the beneficiaries are the terratenimentes.

    we can talk about " agro ingreso seguro" it was a program for Colombian agriculture but the biggest beneficiaries were figures of TV.

    this is clear to understand. now that poverty in Colombia has to do with factors such as conformism, corruption, fraud and war

    conclusion. I propose to finish one of my ideas. in Colombia we accept corruption from home. we Colombians are false solidarity. we seek personal and non-interest group. when we need something like education or health, it is when really all we unite to fight. when we let's start thinking about others. we will not be poor mentally
    christiam puentes 201320080
